Monday, May 17, 2010

Who is the Future SEHS Baseball MVP?

One question baseball coaches seem to be asking themselves right now is “Who will be the next MVP?”

            With baseball season at an end it seems coaches are having some trouble picking a top player. One thing that two of the contenders [pitchers] for MVP have to be compared on is their ERA (earned run average). Pitchers are also judged by how many full games they played, if they have any shutouts, and their win and loss history. All players are also judged on their batting average, and how well they hit.

            Armando Rodriguez, a junior and pitcher for South East High Schools’ baseball team, is one person with an outstanding season. With an ERA of 2.21which is almost impossible to receive in the “pros” and 39 strikeouts, Rodriguez also has two shutouts, two complete games, and a win loss ratio of 5-2. Rodriguez says that his main goal this year is to “do better than last season.”  

Rodriguez said, “I had to practice more” to improve overall performance. Rodriguez’s hard work paid-off for him big time when he made 1st team all league (best of the best players of a league) this year and the team made it to the play-offs. Rodriguez is proving to make MVP hard for anyone else to receive, but one other pitcher is fighting back to win the title.

            Caesar Carrillo, a senior and pitcher at SEHS, has a record just as good, and maybe even better than Rodriguez. Carrillo has an ERA of 2.52, which is slightly below Rodriguez, but is still above average. Carrillo also has 28 strikeouts, two shutouts, four complete games, and a win loss ratio of 6-2.

            Carrillo has a batting average of .412, which means he has hit 41.2% of all at bats this season. With a .412 BA Carrillo also has 15 RBI’s (Runs batted In). All the hard work that both Carrillo and Rodriguez put into practice has paid off and may earn them scholarships if they continue in baseball after high school.