Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Track In The View Of Two

                         By Julian Izabal

                                                            Times Sports Editor

With the season just getting underway the Track and Field team is off to a slow start, but a winning streak may be on the horizon.

The first track meet against Garfield High School was not a good start to the season. “The team did not seem to connect for the first game, no one was cheering for anybody, there was pretty much no support”, says Giovanna Garcia, a runner on the Track team, and a junior at South East High School.

Nathan Mejia, a junior at SEHS says, “The girls won but the guys lost because the junior varsity team did not have much experience, and the Varsity team just was not ready or pumped to run.” Garcia says that one thing that people would be surprised with is cheering, “You would be surprised how a few cheers would really make someone push themselves.” To add on to what Garcia says could have been done better, Mejia says, “You just gotta be ready to run, you also have to really want it.”

Although Garcia was injured for two games, she says that she helped out by “Congratulating all my team-mates whether they won or lost.”

When the time came to face Bell High School, Garcia was pumped and ready to run. Garcia says being back in the 4x4 relay was “Exciting.” She also says “It was crazy because we [the team] only won by two points.” Mejia says, “It was great cause we swept them, in shot-put.”

Mejia practices for shot put every day, with coach Cervantes. Coach Cervantes watches the team do their drills, he then tells the shot putters what to fix based on what he sees.

 The team celebrates a game by going to the weight room and waits quietly to hear their scores. When they win “You hear everyone cheering,” says Garcia.