Wednesday, January 20, 2010

South East High School on the East Coast

A student and teacher from SEHS were recently featured in the New York Times. The article features a student and a smart phone application he created in a computer science class. According to Steve Lohr of the New York Times, John Landa, a TMUM Computer Science Teacher, said, “In the new class, students create projects that address subjects of their interest, like gang violence and recycling.” According to Lohr, Landa further states, “When the course first started there were only 35 students taking this course, but this year there are 130 students taking the course.” If the student is proficient in the course he/she may be introduced to an internship that could take place over the summer.


In the summer program, Mario Calleros and a partner built a smart phone application, linking pictures, text descriptions and GPS location data to explain the history, architecture and amenities of individual buildings on the UCLA campus as users walk by. This application was tested on the G1 (Google phone) and the HTC Android. The “app” is not available for purchase, but it is up to the employers [Center for Embedded Network Sensing] to decide what they will do with the “app.” In the future the application may become available to the public.


            Mario Calleros, the senior who built the application says “It’s exciting to be somewhat known” by making his own action game with a knights-in-armor motif, which was a side project that he worked on.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Robles Winter Break

The Robles Winter Break
By Julian Izabal

Elizabeth Robles a senior at South East High School had this to say “winter break this year was different and unusual.”

This winter break was different for most people and many had new experiences. This year Elizabeth Robles spent Christmas at her sister’s house. Robles spent Christmas with her sister, brother in law, and a friend. Robles describes her Christmas as “depressing” because a distant family member had passed away two days earlier. She was still glad that she spent it with some of her family and friend. Robles describes her winter break “different and unusual” due to some experiences, that were new to her.